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International Partnerships
The Global Gateway stands for sustainable and trusted connections that work for people and the planet.
Strategie Global Gateway

Informace o zavádění strategie Global Gateway, partnerstvích, projektech a možnostech financování

Strategii Global Gateway realizujeme prostřednictvím projektů v Latinské Americe a Karibiku, na Blízkém východě, v Asii a Tichomoří a také v subsaharské Africe.

Výzvy k předkládání návrhů a nabídková řízení na projekty Global Gateway a informace o tom, jak je strategie financována

Informace o tom, jak používat značku Global Gateway, a stáhnout si logo a další grafické zdroje

Zřizujeme komplexní strukturu, která zajistí plně inkluzivní správu a řízení strategie Global Gateway.

Oblasti partnerství

Strategie Global Gateway se zaměřuje na ty oblasti infrastruktury, které přinášejí řešení různých výzev v současném geopolitickém kontextu. Zaměřuje se na pět politických faktorů:

Through the Global Gateway, the EU will strengthen connections between Europe and the world and help partner countries address the digital divide and further integrate into the global digital ecosystem.

Through Global Gateway, the EU is strengthening connections between Europe and the world and helping partner countries address the digital divide and further integrate into the global digital ecosystem.

Investing in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy, is a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.

Global Gateway will support investments in climate mitigation and resilience, as well as clean energy - a necessity but also a major economic opportunity in low and middle-income countries.

The Global Gateway is promoting worldwide infrastructure investments that create sustainable, smart, resilient, inclusive and safe networks in all modes of transport.

Global Gateway is promoting worldwide infrastructure investments that create sustainable, smart, resilient, inclusive and safe networks in all modes of transport.

Global Gateway will strengthen healthcare capacities around the world

Global Gateway is strengthening healthcare capacities around the world, helping us to overcome diseases such as COVID-19, malaria, yellow fever, tuberculosis or HIV/AIDS.

The EU will invest in quality education and will work with partner countries to strengthen cooperation on research and innovation.

Global Gateway is investing in quality education, paying attention to the inclusion of vulnerable groups, and is working with partner countries to strengthen cooperation on research and innovation.

Access the Team Europe Partnership Portal
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