Governance - European Commission
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International Partnerships

Global Gateway governance

Global Gateway projects are developed and delivered jointly by Team Europe, which consists of the EU institutions, Member States, European financial institutions working together with European businesses, governments, civil society and the private sector in partner countries.

The President of the Commission, the High Representative/Vice President of the Commission and responsible Commissioners steer the implementation of Global Gateway. A Global Gateway Board provides strategic guidance to Global Gateway and the development of Team Europe initiatives.

A Business Advisory Group on Global Gateway ensures private sector involvement, receives input from businesses and shares knowledge to maximise the impact and effectiveness of investment. Complementing consultations locally, civil society and local authorities engage through a Civil Society and Local Authorities Advisory Platform, ensuring that a value-based and inclusive approach is taken, so that Global Gateway delivers on its goals in line with its principles. 

EU Delegations, Member State embassies and project offices help coordinate and implement Global Gateway projects and Team Europe initiatives.