Global Gateway overview - European Commission Skip to main content
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Global Gateway overview

What is Global Gateway?

Principles and values

6 core principles are at the heart of Global Gateway, guiding the investments

  • democratic values and high standards
  • good governance and transparency
  • equal partnerships
  • green and clean
  • security focused
  • catalysing the private sector

Global Gateway is the EU’s contribution to narrowing the global investment gap worldwide. It is in line with the commitment of the G7 leaders from June 2021 to launch a values-driven, high-standard and transparent infrastructure partnership to meet global infrastructure development needs. Global Gateway is also fully aligned with the UN’s Agenda 2030 and its Sustainable Development Goals, as well as the Paris Agreement on climate change.

Areas of partnership

Global Gateway supports our partners and closes the global investment gap in the areas of

  • digital (supporting open and secure internet)
  • climate and energy (supporting investments to achieve clean energy transition)
  • transport (supporting green, smart and safe transport)
  • health (strengthening supply chains and local vaccines production)
  • education and research (investing in high quality education, focusing in particular on girls, women and vulnerable groups)

A Team Europe approach

Global Gateway is being rolled out in a Team Europe approach with the European Commission, European External Action Service (EEAS), EU Member States, as well as with financial institutions, the private sector and other non-governmental organisations.

The approach will facilitate full-scale mobilisation of political stamina, technical expertise and financial resources.

Sources of financing

EU and EU Member States will mobilise infrastructure development investments of up to €300 billion in the years 2021-2027.

This includes up to €135 billion worth of investments made possible by the EU and €145 billion of planned investment volumes by European financial and development finance institutions, complemented by grant financing.

€300 billion
Mobilised in investments by 2027
€53 billion
Guarantee volume
€232 billion
Sustainable investments

European Fund for Sustainable Development +

Our new and main risk-sharing instrument for the period 2021-27 is the European Fund for Sustainable Development Plus (EFSD+). It will be 10 times bigger than its predecessor, the EFSD, applied globally, and driven by 2 principles

  • policy first
  • country-driven approaches

It will cover €53 billion in guarantee volume for this period and is expected to leverage up to €232 billion of sustainable investments. Additional financing will be provided by grants to development finance institutions who will combine these, or ‘blend them’, with loans.

Under the EFSD+, the Commission uses ‘blending’ in sectors, markets and operations where the guarantee does not address the relevant bottlenecks. These can be both public and private sector operations.

Connecting Europe Facility (CEF) Digital - digital connectivity infrastructure

Digital technologies play a key role in our economy and society, allowing online interaction and new ways of living, working and doing business. These technologies require the appropriate infrastructures to function.  

Despite the growing need for connectivity, there still is a significant gap in private and public funding for digital connectivity infrastructure. The Connecting Europe Facilitysupports Global Gateway investments devoted to safe, secure, and sustainable high-performance infrastructure.

Supporting green investment

The EU will also support partner countries by helping them develop and scale up their markets for green bonds - financing arrangements where the issuer commits to using the proceeds to fund projects promoting the environment and sustainability.

Why Global Gateway?

Many countries need a trusted partner to design sustainable, quality projects and ensure projects are implemented in a transparent way, do not create unsustainable levels of debt and deliver lasting social and economic benefits to local communities.

Global Gateway is that positive offer.

Global Gateway on the main European Commission website